DR Movie Co.,Ltd. is a Seoul-based South Korean animation studio since 1990. Historically, the company has provided extensive pre-production services to animation studios from Japan, and has been under the ownership of Japanese company and long-standing partner Madhouse since 2001. They also have worked frequently on collaborative titles with Universal Studios, HBO, and Warner Bros., including several episodes of Young Justice: Outsiders.
Animated episodes[]
- Season 3
- 01. "Princes All"
- 04. "Private Security"
- 05. "Away Mission"
- 08. "Triptych"
- 11. "Another Freak"
- 14. "Influence"
- 17. "First Impression"
- 19. "Elder Wisdom"
- 21. "Unknown Factors"
- 23. "Terminus"
- 25. "Overwhelmed"