Young Justice Wiki
Daring Dangers

"The Daring Dangers"

The Daring Dangers was a ploy set up by Robin to allow the Team to go undercover in the Haly International Traveling Circus. It consisted of Robin as Dan Danger, Miss Martian as Dawn Danger, Red Arrow as Dane Danger, Superboy as Dean Danger, and Artemis as Diane Danger.[1] Dick Grayson would continue to use the alias Daring Dan Danger to return to the circus and perform every few years.[2]



December 22, 20:08 CET

The Team went undercover in the circus to investigate a series of technology thefts which coincided with dates of the circus tour. They joined the tour shortly before its fourth stop in Bruges. Robin kept his past in the circus a secret and kept Kid Flash out of it because he was the only one who knew. Kid Flash warned Robin he might be biased in favor of Jack Haly.[1]

December 24, 00:37 CET

The culprit behind the thefts was Parasite, who had been hiding on the tour as Ray, a roustabout. After stopping a large theft at the Large Boson Collider, the Dangers bowed out of the tour. Haly, who knew from the start Dan Danger was his old performer Dick Grayson, convinced them to do one last performance.[1]

Following the undercover op, Dick returned to Haly's as Daring Dan Danger every few years to get away from the hero life.[2]


On February 23, Dick was busy[3] performing as Daring Dan Danger at Haly's Circus.[4]

El Paso
September 04, 20:09 MDT

Dick performed as Daring Dan Danger for Haly's Circus, doing a quadruple flip thorugh a ring of fire in a space-themed show.[2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Weisman, Jon (writer) & Chang, Michael (director) (April 7, 2012). "Performance". Young Justice. Season 1. Episode 24. Cartoon Network.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Fullerton, Charlotte (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (May 12, 2022). "Rescue and Search". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 22. HBO Max.
  3. Weisman, Greg (writer) (September 12, 2020). "The Prize". Young Justice. Season 3.9. Episode 001. DC FanDome.
  4. Weisman, Greg (2022-05-16). Question #25923. Ask Greg. Retrieved 2022-05-18.