10:18 EST:Clark Kent meets up with the members of the Team at the rally.[1]
08:19 MST: Nightwing and Wonder Girl meet Jaime Reyes and offer him friendship.[1]
10:24 EST: Clark spots Devastation at the rally, and flies off to confront her. He, she and Conner disappear in a flash of light.[1]
10:28 EST:Brainiac convenes with his ally about the next phase in their plan.[1]
10:29 EST: Alpha Squad, Beta Squad, the Cave and the Watchtower hold a conference on what to do. Nightwing forms Gamma Squad, with Lagoon Boy and Miss Martian.[2]
10:30 EST: Miss Martian and Lagoon Boy head off for the Moon.[2]
15:31 UTC: Superboy wakes up in his prison on the Moon.[2]
08:32 MST: Nightwing and Wonder Girl continue their attempt to convince Jaime to join.[2]
23:32 UTC: Miss Martian meets up with the heroes and frees them.[5]
18:33 EST: Blue Beetle and Sphere launch a counterattack against the Collector of Worlds.[5]
23:34 UTC: Kylstar tells the heroes he is impressed.[5]
23:58 UTC: Kylstar gathers all his captives and offers them the choice to work with him. Some accept. Others are allowed to leave.[5]
19:01 EST: Alpha Squad gets reinforcements, and the Coludroid body is defeated.[5]
19:03 EST: The Collector summons more Coludroids. However, noticing something wrong with the probe below, he agrees to stop his preservation effort.[5]
22:03 EST: The Collector leaves. Beast Boy and Bumblebee return to Bibbo's Diner. Blue Beetle agrees to join the Team.[5]
↑Series producer Greg Weisman stated that even though the series does not have a "canon year", the production team based the days of the week of season one on the 2010 calendar. In "Happy New Year" there's a five year time jump, making this year 2015. (Weisman, Greg (2011-11-18). Question #13695. Ask Greg. Retrieved 2011-11-18.).