Artemis took Halo to the park. They encountered several people playing games on Goode Goggles, including Henry Fyff playing Gem Chaser. Under a tree, they met Doctor Fate, who magically examined Halo. Zatanna arrived shortly thereafter, and Fate removed the Helmet of Fate, giving Zatanna and Zatara one hour together. Artemis and Halo talked about Halo's mysterious past on a bench, until Zatara became Fate once more, and Artemis rushed to comfort Zatanna.[1]
Artemis met with Zatanna, Raquel and M'gann under the tree. She begged Zatanna to summon Wally West's ghost for her. Reluctantly, Zatanna agreed to send Artemis into limbo to meet Wally, but in fact worked with M'gann to create a psychic playground where Artemis could work through her grief on her own.[2]
Artemis waited for Jade on a bench when Jason Bard came by, jogging with Holly. Jade arrived soon after, and Artemis reluctantly introduced her sister to her boyfriend. Jason soon left, and the sisters discussed what little Jade had been able to find out about Cassandra Savage and Onyx.[3]