The Justice League's membership has grown and changed considerably over the years. The following is a timeline of when members joined and left the Team, and changes in leadership.
- February[1] 2003:[2] The Justice League is founded by Superman, Batman. Wonder Woman, Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman (Orin) and Martian Manhunter.[3]
- May 2004:[4] Green Arrow, Hawkman and Hawkwoman are inducted into the Justice League.[5]
- August 2008:[6] Zatara, Captain Atom, Black Canary, John Stewart, Captain Marvel and Red Tornado are inducted into the Justice League at the Hall of Justice.[7]
- Pre-July 4: Batman becomes leader of the League.[5]
- November 6: Zatara becomes permanent host of Doctor Fate.[8]
- December 30: Atom, Doctor Fate, Icon, Plastic Man and Red Arrow are inducted into the Justice League at the Hall of Justice.[9]
- 2012:[10] Black Lightning, Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Guy Gardner join the League.[11][12]
- Pre-November 26: By this time Red Arrow has left the League.[13]
- July (approx.):[14] Blue Beetle is killed.[15]
- November: Zatanna and Rocket join the Justice League.[16]
- December 1: Captain Atom becomes leader of the League.[16]
- 2017:[18] Orin retires as Aquaman.[19]
- 2017:[10][20] Blue Devil, Magog and Elongated Man join the Justice League.[21]
- December 2017 (approx.):[22][23] Aquaman {Kaldur'ahm), Batwoman, Fire, Hardware, Ice, Katana, and Steel join the League.[24][25]
- Pre-July 27: Wonder Woman and Aquaman become co-leaders of the League.[24]
- July 27: Batman, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Black Lightning, Batwoman, Hardware and Katana resign from the League.[24]
- February 24, 2019:
- Wonder Woman and Aquaman resign as leaders of the League.[21]
- Black Lightning rejoins the League and is made leader.[21]
- Batman, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Batwoman, Hardware and Katana rejoin the League.[21]
- Metamorpho joins the League.[21]
- Pre-March 23, 2020: Cyborg joins the League.[26]
- Pre-July 3, 2020:
- Flash (Jay Garrick) joins the League.[27][28]
- A fourth Green Lantern joins the League.[27]
- Four other unknown members join the League.[27][29]
- July 3, 2020 (or shortly after):
- Aquaman (Orin) rejoins the League.[27]
- Aquaman (La'gaan) joins the League.[27][29]