Young Justice Wiki
The Garrick house

The house exterior.

The Garrick house is the Central City home of Jay and Joan Garrick. They took in Bart Allen after he traveled back from the future.[1] The house has a backyard big enough to land Bio-Ship.[2]



Shortly after arriving in his past on February 28, Bart Allen moved into the house.[1]


Central City
May 15, 20:06 CDT

Jay Garrick walked out of his home, unaware Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy were waiting to visit Kid Flash.[3]

Central City
August 27, 06:49 CDT

After months of gathering supplies, Bart assembled the Cosmic Treadmill on Bio-Ship in a matter of minutes, but only finished after he made the Legionnaires tell him their full story.[2]

Central City
September 02, 16:17 CDT

Jay returned home from his mission to New Genesis, but found Bart missing.[4]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Hopps, Kevin, Giacoppo, Paul (writers) & Divar, Tim (director) (June 9, 2012). "Depths". Young Justice. Season 2. Episode 7. Cartoon Network.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Krieg, Jim, Volpe, Giancarlo (writers) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (April 21, 2022). "Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge!". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 19. HBO Max.
  3. Weisman, Greg (writer) & Sotta, Christina (director) (March 31, 2022). "Ebb Tide". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 15. HBO Max.
  4. Sparrow, Aaron (writer) & Sotta, Christina (director) (May 5, 2022). "Odyssey of Death!". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 21. HBO Max.
  5. Weisman, Greg (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (July 16, 2019). "Early Warning". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 18. DC Universe.