Trying to make things work as a family, Will Harper and Jade Nguyen moved into a house together with their daughter until Jade eventually left them, believing they would be better off without her. Artemis moved in with Will to help him raise Lian and brought along her pitbull, Brucely.[1][2][3]
Will and Artemis hosted Thanksgiving dinner. Paula was horrified to learn her daughter had resumed her heroic career, and Violet confided in Helga Jace about their resurfaced memories.[7]
Artemis, Violet and Tara watched a stream of the Outsiders' first mission. They had a sleepover to celebrate Violet and Tara'slast night at the Harper house before moving to the Premiere Building.[8]
Will prepared a surprise Valentine's dinner for Artemis. She felt guilty about possibly being with someone else after Wally West's death. After leaving to work through her grief, Artemis returned home and told Will she didn't think they were right for each other.[9]
Will hung a photo of the original team and listened when Artemis opened up to him about her grief over Conner's death. Artemis became determined to bring her sister back home as a way to help her process and deal with her grief. She spoke with her mother about it, but Paula was dubious.[10]
Jade came to the Harper house, summoned by an emergency signal, expecting Lian was in danger. In fact, Artemis had summoned her.[10] Artemis convinced Jade to help her with her Shadow problem.[11]
Will received a call from Artemis. Before Artemis could tell him she was bringing Jade home, Lian jumped in on the call to show off her "mommy mask" which scared Jade off.[11]
Perdita Vladek visited Star City for an economic conference. She was guarded by Bowhunter Security. Before the conference, she toured STAR Labs, but armored attackers abducted her.[14]