The Tribune served as one of the members of the tribunal on Rimbor while members of the Justice League were put on trial to answer charges of intergalactic vandalism. Superman attempted to convince the court that the heroes were innocent―pleading that they were brainwashed by Vandal Savage and sent on a destructive rampage on the planet. The trial was interrupted by breaking news that the Reach had taken a foothold on Earth. In the stands, Mongul stood up and angrily stormed out of the courtroom.[1]
The lead Tribune announced the court had found the Leaguers guilty as charged. Miss Martian, Superboy and Adam Strange arrived with evidence of their innocence after the verdict was delivered.[2]
The High Court reconvened to hear the new evidence. Initially unimpressed, the lead Tribune made it clear they expected more. Superboy and Miss Martian attempted to convince them of the future benefits of delivering a fair verdict in the high-profile case.[2]