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Young Justice Wiki

The Tropas de Prevención (TDP, Spanish: Prevention Troops) are Cuba's military police.



Santiago de Cuba
December 21, post-10:13 CST

Colonel Ramon Bracuda led a squad to investigate unusual goings-on at an abandoned factory. They were held off from getting to the factory by Geo-Force, while the rest of the Outsiders handled Klarion inside. Once the situation was resolved, Bracuda and his people were let inside. Bracuda was not happy about the Outsiders' involvement, despite the results, and called for back-up so that he could arrest them. They left with the non-Cuban meta-humans rescued from Klarion.[1]

Known members[]


Background information[]

  • In "Early Warning", Static's Darkwear identifies the Cuban authorities as Policía Nacional Revolucionaria de Cuba, which is Cuba's civil police force, but they are clearly military police, as evident from their uniforms, weapons and vehicle, which is labelled "Militar Policia". Ramon Bracuda's red beret further identifies them as part of the Tropas de Prevención, who are commonly known as Boinas Rojas, or Red Berets.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Weisman, Greg (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (July 16, 2019). "Early Warning". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 18. DC Universe.